September 23, 2022
December 29, 2021
December 15, 2021
Once again you find yourself laying bed trying to go to sleep yet you find your mind will not turn off. It as though thoughts just keep flooding into your mind, one after another in an endless cycle. This seems to be a regular occurrence each night. You either jump in bed ready to sleep but your mind won't cooperate. You find yourself with thought after thought. If you do manage to get to sleep, hours later you wake up to your mind racing with thoughts. This seems to last for hours and when you finally do fall asleep you wake up feeling as though you barely got any sleep.
Stop! What if I told you there is a way you can easily and with little effort on your part put an end to these scenarios? Well there is. Many of us are not eating as healthy as we should. We lead high stress lives and re unaccustomed to relaxing easily. All this is leading us to be deficient in nutrients that hep us in getting amazing sleep. The nutrients we do get are also being used up by our bodies at ever faster rates because of all this stress and poor diet.
What is the solution to this? How do you stop this and get the proper nutrients for continuos amazing sleep night after night?
Magnesium is a mineral responsible for over 400 different chemical processes in the body. One chemical that requires magnesium is serotonin. Serotonin is responsable for us feeling good. Way to many of us run to the doctor to get anxiety and depression medication, when it may be that they are so deficient in magnesium we physically cannot produce the serotonin we need to feel anxiety and depression free. It is chemically not possible to produce serotonin without magnesium so, if you are not getting adequate supplies this may explain why things just are not as happy and peaceful as they could be if you were getting adequate amounts.
How to turn the mind off & stop overactive thinking at night.
I described above how you find yourself laying in bed with your mind flooded with thought after thought in a seemingly never ending cycle. What is the solution to put an end to this? There are two very good supplements you can take that will allow the the mind to easily turn off so you can drift into sleep and ;et you wake up feeling refreshed. The first is an amino acid complex called GABA or Gamma- Aminobutyrtic Acid. Amino acids are what maker up protein and the body loves the amino acids that make up protein so it easily absorbs them. GABA can be taken as a lozenge you suck on or in pill form. It slows down the nervous system and brain wave activity, which allows the mind to turn off so you can fall asleep. During the day GABA is great for stopping anxiety and boosting the mood as it slows down panicked thoughts. At night it let's the mind turn off for amazing sleep.
The next supplement is a homeopathic remedy called, Coffea Cruda. It allows the mind to turn off with no effort on your part. This is a very popular supplement as an overactive mind at night is the number one reason most people cannot fall asleep. If you find yourself waking up in the night and your mind won't shut off you can take another dose of coffea cruda or GABA. They will not leave you groggy or tired the next morning. You can find both GABA and Coffea Cruda at most health food stores in the U.S or purchase it online. GABA is also included as one of the ingredients in August Moon Sleep Support.
I wish you great sleep without the need to suffer, laying in bed with an overactive mind.
Justin Southworth
Creator of August Moon Organics
December 14, 2021
Passion Flower
Passion Flower is a beautiful flowering vine that produces passion fruit, a very sweet, nutritious fruit. The flowers petals are creamy yellow in color with purple in the center shooting out like a star. Just looking at passion flower is peaceful.
Better Sleep With Passion Flower
You find yourself heading to bed. You lay down but find yourself flooded with thought after thought. No matter what you do you just can't seem to turn your mind off. This seems to be a common occurrence, night after night. When you finally do fall asleep it feels as though it not as deep and refreshing as you'd like. This is where passion flower comes in to play. Passion Flower has the ability to help increase GABA leves. An Amino Acid complex that slows brainwave activity and overactive nervous system energy so you can turn your thoughts off and easily drift to sleep.
Studies have show that people who take passion flower fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer throughout the the night without interruption.
The nutrient content in passion flower is many and has been found to help not only nourish the mind but to help calm the nerves. We don't always eat as healthy as we know we should and with our busy, stressful lives we are using the nutrients we do get at an even faster rate than ever before. Passion flower can be a great way to ensure your nervous system and brain are getting the proper nutrients for relaxation and amazing sleep.
Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is becoming so common that it is most likely you or someone you know well has high blood pressure. Outside of prescription medications, which have extremely negative side effects, there is not much research on natural treatments for high blood pressure. A study was conducted by Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry using 50 mg/Kilogram of weight of passion flower skin extract. The study showed promising results on lowering the blood pressure to more safe levels. Researchers think this may be due to the GABA enhancing effects of passion flower.
Reduced Anxiety
By boosting GABA levels and providing nourishing nutrients to the nerves and brain passion flower is a good choice when looking for things to help reduce stress and anxiety. Our lives are increasingly more stressful and hectic. It is nice to know something so gentle and easy to use can help us in our quest to lower our stress levels and anxiety.
We at August Moon Organics have found passion flower to be extremely gentle and effective at reducing stress, anxiety and improving sleep we have added it to our August Moon Sleep Support. You can always get a bottle and begin reaping passion flowers benefits.
December 10, 2021
Many of us are not getting enough sleep at night. There are many causes of this. Pressures at home or work. Financial stress, worries about the inaction on climate change, increasing cost of living, relationship strain. The list could go in infinitum.
When you are not getting great sleep it effects every area of your life from work and home life, to sex, to ability to drive and preform simple tasks, etc. Lack of sleep and also getting to much sleep at night was associated with an increased risk of developing dementia.
A study supported by the National Institute on Aging and published in Nature Communications on April 20, 2021 examined 8,000 adults over the age of 50 and found that those who regularly got less than 6 hours of sleep a night were at the greatest risk of developing dementia later in life. This was compared to people getting the required minimum of 7 hours of sleep at night. Those who got less than 7 hours a night were 30% more likely to develop dementia.
This may be a good reason to examine how much sleep your getting and to work to remedy this so you are at the lowest risk or developing dementia.
Another study found that those with dementia had the lowest melatonin levels in their bodies and that a hormone produced by the adrenal gland called DHEA or Dehydroepiandrosterone, which is responsible for antiaging and the production of hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, were also low.
Working to reduce your stress is one way to get better sleep at night. Another great way is to try taking the T.V out of the bedroom and only using it to read, meditate, relax, sleep and have sex in. Having a T.V or doing non relaxing activities in the bedroom can make it hard for the body and mind to associate the bedroom with deep sleep. Also avoid having your room decorated or the walls painted with overly stimulating colors. Choose colors that are peaceful relaxing or neutral such as white. Another thing you can do is try installing blackout shades on your windows to block out any light. Even small amounts of light such as from an alarm clock, window or when getting up to use the bathroom in the night can cause the pineal gland to produce less melatonin, which is needed for proper sleep. If you need extra help blocking out light or need help even after you installing blackout curtains try getting a comfortable eye mask to block out any excess light.
Work to do whatever you can to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. You'll be more productive during the day, your stress levels will be less and your enjoyment of life will be easier to achieve.
You can always pick up another bottle of August Moon Sleep Support to assist you in getting the necessary nutrients your body needs to achieve great sleep. Many of us do not get all the nutrients each day that allow our body to get amazing sleep. August Moon Sleep Support helps fill in the gap for times you may not have achieved your nutrient requirements. It also makes it easier to turn your mind off and stay asleep the entire night.
I wish you 7 to 8 hours of amazing sleep.
Justin Southworth
Creator of August Moon Organics
December 09, 2021
Sleep is the most important activity we do each night. I have said this many times before, but it could use some repeating. Many of us or our friends, family and acquaintances struggle with sleep issues of some sort. The cause of your sleep issue maybe be a multitude of things from too much caffeine intake to being stressed or even not getting the proper nutrients in your diet for good sleep or it could be something entirely different.
Over the last 2 decades I have been consulting people on health and nutritional supplements. Whenever someone would consult with me I would ask them what their health issue or concern was. the most frequent issue they were dealing with was sleep issues. When I would press them with probing questions as to why they were not sleeping they would tell me they just could not ge their mind to turn off. They would lie awake at night with thoughts flooding into their mind.
How to use August Moon Sleep Support to get the best results
August Moon Sleep Support is designed to take 1 to 2 pills at night.
Many people report they get better results taking just 1 pill.
It can take a few nights of using August Moon Sleep Support to begin using as your body adjust to the ingredients. Give yourself a few nights using August Moon Sleep Support if you find yourself not getting the sleep you desire.
Try taking less. Less is more. One ingredient in August Moon Sleep Support that helps you sleep when taken at lower doses is melatonin. Many people take to much melatonin and find they either get little to no results and if they do they have crazy dreams and wake up groggy.
Only take more than 1 pill if you have first tried taking 1 and know how your body reacts to 1 pill. This may help you get your best sleep results.
Take August Moon within 20 minutes of laying down to go to sleep. Melatonin and the herbs in August Moon have a window of when they are most effective. If you take August Moon Sleep Support and then go about doing your normal activities you may miss the time it is most effective for sleep. Yes, it may help you relax and reduce stress but you will not fall asleep if you use it and are not ready to lie down within 20 minutes of taking it.
Try doing relaxing activities and avoid any activities within 1 hour of taking August Moon Sleep Support.
Avoid Caffeine except for in the morning and avoid caffeine entirely if you have sensitivity to caffeine. The effects of caffeine can linger for hours after you consume foods or beverages containing it. This can definitely contribute to August Moon Sleep Support being less effective.
Work to never go to bed with negative emotions inside you. Never argue or go to bed angry. Work to be calm and peaceful before bed. Doing this will ensure you are not having negative emotions and thoughts contributing to your lack of sleep. Try laughing before bed. If you need help laughing before bed look up, laughter yoga, on YouTube or just search for laughing and see if you can find something that helps you laugh.
Be gentle with yourself and realize that your sleep issues have probably been going on for some time. It may take a little time to retrain yourself to have amazing sleep.
August Moon Sleep Support is meant to help assist you in sleeping by making it easier to relax your body and turn of your mind. If you are expecting results you'd get from a prescription sleep medication this will not be the case with August Moon. August Moon is meant to be gentle, yet effective at getting you to sleep if you also do the necessary things in your life to help you. You cannot expect a pill such as August Moon Sleep Support to help you sleep if you don't do activities and behaviors that contribute to getting amazing sleep. For instance if your going to bed upset or drinking caffeine late in the day or not eating healthy, don't expect August Moon to solve your problem. Yes it may help you but their is a higher chance it will not be as effective for you.
Try these recommendations and see if this does not help you get amazing sleep and waking up refreshed, ready to conquer the day ahead.
Best of luck,
Justin Southworth
Creator of August Moon Sleep Support
November 17, 2021
My grandparents had a magnolia tree in their front yard that would bloom in the spring and summer, producing the most amazing white flowers. The flowers have wonderful scent. When I got old enough to start working, I got a job at a health food store. One day we had a training with a company that produced a magnolia bark supplement, designed to help you relax. I always thought to myself how interesting that my grandparents had this healing tree in their yard yet, they had no idea of its healing benefits.
Magnolia bark has the ability to relax the body. As the body relaxes it makes getting to sleep much easier.
Magnolia Bark helps the body produce more GABA, an amino acid that boosts the mood and helps when you go to bed and find your mind racing with thoughts turn those thoughts off so you can easily drift to sleep.
Magnolia bark has the ability to reduce inflammation and pain. Pain and discomfort within the body can be a source of your inability to sleep. As you reduce the pain and inflammation you are able to relax in ways that allow for you to more easily get to sleep.
Adrenaline is a hormone produce by the adrenal glands. the adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys. Adrenaline is responsible for our energy. When we are over stressed in our lives or consume stimulants such as caffeine and sugar, it can stress the adrenal glands and cause them to over produce adrenaline. Excessive amounts of adrenaline can lead to stress and even cause the blood pressure to go up. This can be dangerous if you already have high blood pressure. Magnolia bark can help block excessive amounts of adrenaline from coursing through your body, which can keep your stress down and your blood pressure at a more healthy pressure.
Now you know how magnolia bark can help your sleep. You may want to consider one of our great products that contains magnolia bark. You can find magnolia bark in August Moon Sleep Support
Written By
Justin Southworth
Founder and Chief Creative Officer at August Moon Organics
November 12, 2021
Ashwagadha is a shrub that grows in India, The Middle East and parts of Africa. Ashwah=It grows approximately 14- 30 inches tall (35-37 cm). It grows flowers that are in the shape of a bell and usually green. It will produce fruit that is bright orange to red in color.
Many health benefits have been found to be attributed to ashwagandha. The main benefits come from a chemical called, Withanolides, that grows within the plant's leaves, stems, fruit and roots. When you buy nutritional supplements that contain ashwagandha they usually concentrate the withanolides to a certain percentage so you can make the most of the withanolides healing benefits.
Studies have shown that ashwagandha is very effective at blocking stress hormones such as cortisol. Stress is a contributing factor in almost all diseases and negative health conditions. The main cause of most disease is long term effects of differing amounts and types of stress over long periods of time. Eventually the body just can’t cope and it begins to break down causing dis-ease or disease within the body. Because ashwagandha is able to block stress causing hormones such as cortisol it can contribute to more peaceful days, happier moods and reduced levels of illness. Ashwagandha is not a cure-all but it can help in reducing your chance of many stress induced illnesses and reduce stress caused by current illness so your body has a better chance of being able to relax and begin the healing process. Your body's natural state is wellbeing. It is not natural to be sick and tired all the time.
Stress hormones such as cortisol strain the adrenal gland, which sits above the kidneys and is responsible for the production of adrenaline. Without healthy amounts of adrenaline you would have no energy to function normally throughout the day. It is only when the body is over stressed that it over produces adrenaline and contributes to what is known as adrenal fatigue. Stop the stress and the adrenals can produce healthy levels of adrenaline so you have the energy to enjoy your day without feeling you need a nap or to go back to bed all day.
When your adrenals are chronically stressed and pumping out excessive amounts of adrenaline it can make you feel as though you have and sometimes even are experiencing kidney issues, since the adrenals sit just on top of the kidneys. Ashwagandha is a great herb to help rebalance your energy to healthy levels without the need for caffeine or other stimulants, which put further stress on the adrenal glands.
Men reach their sexual peak when their testosterone levels are at the highest around age 25. After this men's testosterone levels begin to decline year after year until they get to their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and beyond with almost no testosterone being produced. When men have low testosterone their energy and mood suffer. As the testosterone levels decline to low levels, usually when men get in their 50’s and 60’s, unless they supplement their testosterone with bio- identical testosterone therapy, which mimics the body’s natural testosterone, they will lose their ability to put on muscle easily, their skin begins to thin, they get ear hair, they put on a gut with belly fat they just can’t seem to lose no matter how much they limit what they eat. Ashwagandha seems to contribute to being able to put on muscle mass as it increases the testosterone in the body. It’s ability to effect testosterone levels in healthy ways may be due to its ability to block stress. As of yet the jury is out as to exactly how ashwagandha is able to raise testosterone levels. Researchers have only been able to observe that when men take ashwagnadha it positively affects their testosterone levels.
When excessive amounts of adrenaline are produced the blood pressure increases. High blood pressure negatively affects almost all organs in the body and is the leading cause of heart disease. It contributes to the onset of dementia, kidney disease, liver issues and many other issues. If you can block the stress hormones that cause you to over produce adrenaline you can assist the body in keeping the blood pressure at healthy levels. Since high blood pressure effects over 2 billion people around the world it might be a reason to get some ashwagandha and see if it does not help you keep your blood pressure at healthy levels along with, a healthy diet consisting of low sodium, high potassium, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, little meat and getting plenty of exercise each day.
Sleep is the most important thing we do each night. Without proper amounts of sleep we are unable to feel our best and perform at our optimal levels. Ashwagandha is able to help release stress and concerns from your day so you are able to relax at night and easily drift off to sleep. You’ll be able to get to sleep and wake up without any sleep hangover that can be caused by many prescription and over the counter sleep products.
Written By
Justin Southworth Founder and Chief Formulator of August Moon Organics
November 11, 2021